Understanding the consensus on Ethereum: Is it really only for the next block?
The world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies can be confused, especially when it comes to consensus. In this article, we will deepen the concept of consensus in the context of Ethereum and examine whether there is true compliance between nodes on the web, or whether it is only temporary to the next block.
What is the consensus?
In the blockchain network, the consensus refers to the process in which the nodes agree on the status of blockchain. This means that when the node checks specific conditions, such as transaction validation and data consistency, it sends its results back to the network. Welcoming nodes then work to update their copies of blockchain, ensuring that everyone has an identical copy of the current state.
Ethereum consensus mechanism
Ethereum uses work proof (POW), a consensus algorithm developed by Vitalik Buterin. In POW, the junctions compete for solving complex mathematical puzzles that require significant computing power. The first node that solved the puzzle wins the right to validate transactions and create new blocks.
Scenario: Two tips on blockchain competition
Imagine two competitive blockchain tips, each of which begins with a pair block. Two tips are:
- Tip 1: “Blok B is the right state of affairs.”
- Tip 2: “Blok C is the correct state of affairs.”
Both blocks begin with block A and transform into different branches, both knots agree with the appropriate versions of reality.
The first few blocks
In the first few blocks we do not know what advice is correct. The nodes still operate to check the transaction and data consistency, but no node has yet reached a consensus. In fact, the node can be in a state in which it believes that block B or block is valid, while another node is considered the opposite.
Block below: Point of Agreement
When we reach block D (say), both knots reached the point where I agree with the status of blockchain. They checked all transactions and data consistency, and now they can update their copies of blockchain to reflect this contract.
However, at the moment it is still possible for the next block to come and question the current consensus. If such a block was broadcast, the nodes should check their validity before accepting it as part of blockchain.
Several blocks below: additional division
After block E (let’s say again), both knots again reach the point where I agree with the status of blockchain. But now there is another branch that deviates from their agreement. In this case, the next block is:
- Tip 1: “Blok F is the correct state of affairs.”
- Tip 2: “Blok G is the correct state of affairs.”
Again, both knots reached the point where I agree with the status of blockchain. However, it is now possible that the next block will come and challenge this new consensus.
Several blocks below: additional division
After block H (again) we see another discrepancy:
- Tip 1: “Block and this is the correct state of affairs.”
- Tip 2: “Block J is the correct state of affairs.”
This process continues, each node reaches an agreement on the state of blockchain in subsequent blocks. However, another block may come and challenge this new consensus.
To sum up, although we have achieved a point where both knots agree on the status of blockchain (block J), there is still no real consequences of the next block. This is due to the fact that each node has independently reached agreement at different times, and more blocks may be needed to converge.
This phenomenon is known as “Fork Blockchain”, in which two or more competitive versions of reality are reversed from one point.