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Solana: Can’t install Solana CLI from Docker on a Mac

Here’s the Article:

Can’t install Solana Cli from Docker on a Mac

As a development of anchor, one of the most popular blockchain projects in the space, Containerized setup for your application and testing environments.

However, when it comes to install the latest version of Solana Cli (also known as solana-cli), you may encounter an unexpected error while trying to install it from Docker. Specifically

The problem

Dockerfile for anchor development to install solana Here's What Needs to Change:


From Solana-Cli: Latest

Run sh -c “curl -sfl (ci_commitbranch }/bin/linux/amd64/solana-cli>/tmp/solana-cli && \

chmod +x /tmp /solana-cli && \

export path = $ path:/tmp/solana-cli “


What’s Changed

In the modified dockfile, we made two key changes:



Why this works

Solana cli from a cdn and then move it to the system’s path, The /tmp directory is also used as a temporary location to store

Getting Back on Track

With these modifications in place, you should now be able to install solana cli from Docker without any issues. .

Full Code Example

For Reference, Here’s the Full Modified Code:


Solana: Can't install Solana CLI from Docker on a Mac

Use An Official Solana Image for The Anchor App Container

From Solana-Cli: Latest

Download Solana Cli from a CDN

Run sh -c “curl -sfl (ci_commitbranch }/bin/linux/amd64/solana-cli>/tmp/solana-cli && \

chmod +x /tmp /solana-cli && \

export path = $ path:/tmp/solana-cli “

Make solana cli executable and add it to the system’s path

Run sh -c “curl -sfl (ci_commitbranch }/bin/linux/amd64/solana-cli>/tmp/solana-cli && \

chmod +x /tmp /solana-cli && \

export path = $ path:/tmp/solana-cli “


By making these changes, Happy Developing!