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Ethereum: Musig Signature Interactivity

The power of interactive signatures in Ethereumon: Musig to understand your approach

Ethereum, one of the most beautiful blockchain platforms, has long been known to emphasize security and utility. One of the aspects of Ethereum is to support interactive signatures, a feature that allows users to sign transactions without internet connection. In this article, we are immersed in the world of Musig’s signatures and examines why they are suitable for an offline environment.

What is the signature with MUSIG?

Ethereum: Musig Signature Interactivity

Musig Signature is a digital signature made by the user on Ethereum that allows them to sign transactions without relying on the Internet connection. This is achieved by the use of public key cryptography, which allows users to safely generate and check signatures in offline mode.

Why are MUSIG signatures interactive?

Musig’s signatures are interactive as they allow users to dynamically update the portfolio conditions based on changes introduced in Blockchain. This means that the user can sign transactions without an internet connection, ensuring the integrity of his portfolio and preventing unauthorized access to the funds.

One of the reasons is that Musig’s signatures are so well suited to the offline environment that they operate in interactive mode. When the user signs the transaction, their digital signature is certified by a public key compared to the blockchain. However, this control process requires the initiative of an Internet connection. On the other hand, MUSIG signatures use another approach called “signs by default”, which means that the user’s portfolio is always signed and updated in real time.

How do Musig signatures work?

Musig signatures work as follows:

  • The user creates a new transaction in the Ethereum network.


  • The signed transaction is sent to the Ethereum node that manages the user’s portfolio.

  • The node checks the signature and updates the user’s portfolio with a new public key connected to the transaction.

Signature from offline location

If the user has a Mutig wallet in secure locations without access to the Internet, they can continue to sign transactions from these offline places with private keys. Here are some methods of signing these places:

  • Paper wallets : Users can create paper wallets that contain the private key and the appropriate public key associated with the transaction.

  • Patient memory : Users provide data on portfolios in cool devices, such as hard disk drives or USB drives that do not require internet access.

  • Offline Signatories : Other users can be marked as a user’s signature account by allowing and updating the user’s portfolio without an internet connection.


Musig signatures are an effective feature that allows users to safely sign transactions in an offline environment. Thanks to the dynamic update of portfolio states, based on the changes introduced in Blockchain, MUSIG signatures provide additional security and usability to users who rely on offline memory. Regardless of whether it is stored in secure places, without access to the Internet, or use cold cooling tools, MUSIG signatures offer a reliable way to sign transactions without having an internet connection.

P1: Why are music signatures so rare?

A1: Despite its benefits, Murig signatories are relatively rare as offline checks and updates are required. However, if more users undertake this feature, its availability will increase, which will facilitate the use of the offline environment for others.

Q2: Can I use Musig signature for all types of transactions?

A2: No, Musig’s signatures are specifically designed for certain types of transactions such as payment and deposit.