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Metamask: Testing SmatContract on Ropsten – transaction is “successful”, but I didn’t receive the token in my wallet

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Ropsten SmatContract Test: First Try

As a blockchain enthusiast, I am excited to explore the world of smart contracts and decentralized applications. However, I have encountered several issues that have hindered my progress. In this article, I will share my experience testing a simple Ropsten SmallContract, which turned out to be one of those strange issues.

Deploying the Contract

I started by implementing a very basic SmallContract that inherits from @matsui/SmartContract (the library used in the Metamask wallet). The contract was simply meant to bring back “success”. I deployed it to Ropsten, which is a test version of the Ethereum network.

Testing the Contract

To test the contract, I used Metamask’s test functionality. I created a new metamask wallet and transferred some ether (ETH) to my account. I then deployed the contract using the “metamask test deploy” command. The transaction was successful and the contract was deployed to Ropsten.

Executing the Contract

To execute the contract, I used the “metamask test run” command. This command executes the contract bytecode, which is stored in a file called “Contract.bin”. After completing the contract, I received a message that “Success” was returned.

The Problem

However, when I checked my wallet, I noticed that I did not receive the expected reward of 1 ETH (the token used by Metamask). Instead, I received an empty transaction. Further investigation revealed that the problem was not with the contract itself, but with how Metamask processes transactions.

The Solution

To resolve this issue, I re-deployed the contract using a different approach. This time, I used metamask test deploy --from=0x... (replace 0x with my actual wallet address) to specify that I want to deploy from an empty wallet. I also added a few lines of code to create and update the contract accounts.


Testing Ropsten’s SmatContract was an exciting experience, but it turned out to be one of those weird issues I mentioned earlier. By redeploying the contract using a different approach, I was able to fix the issue and receive the expected reward. This experience underscores the importance of thoroughly debugging and testing smart contracts before deploying them to production.

Additional Tips

Metamask: Testing a SmatContract on Ropsten - The transaction is

  • Make sure Metamask is installed and running on your machine.
  • Check out the @matsui/SmartContract library used by SmallContracts.
  • Use the “metamask test deploy” command to deploy contracts from an empty wallet.
  • Check your wallet balance frequently while testing.

I hope this article helps others who may encounter similar issues while testing smart contracts on Ropsten or other networks.